Monday, 6 February 2012

Wi-Fi bug in @ HTC Smartphones!!

Bad news for HTC Mobiles as well as for the HTC mobile fanatics! Sadly, HTC smartphones have been very defenseless to the attacks from a weird Wi-Fi bug since a couple of months. Apparently, this Wi Fi bug let the applications with a right to entry to Wi Fi related permissions, to be precise “Access_WiFi_State”. This bug accesses the user’s Wi Fi passwords and status.
The Wi-Fi bug appears to be pretty extensive among numerous HTC smartphones, which includes HTC EVO 3D, HTC Desire HD, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Desire S, and HTC Thunderbolt. However, the silver lining here is that the company has been almost victorious in resolving this problem by rolling out software updates for these smartphones.
But, on a sad note, there hasn’t been any kind information regarding which handsets have already received the updates and which one are still pending. Therefore, HTC Mobiles have officially asked all its users to visit its website, and check for the updates. To our surprise, there updates had been rolled out way back in September 2011, but according to our reliable resources, HTC Mobiles was actually waiting for the problem to be partially solved, before it made the buzz of the mobile industry.
On the whole, it is good that HTC Mobiles has been successful in fixing this weird Wi-Fi bug, since its smartphones are immensely prominent and famous across the globe. In case you own an HTC smartphone, do update the software as soon as possible in order to get rid of the Wi-Fi bug. The researchers who found the Wi-Fi bug has informed both HTC Mobiles and Google, which further helped HTC Mobiles in fixing it so quickly. Therefore, if you have any plans to purchase an HTC smartphone, feel free to do so, as the bizarre Wi-Fi bug has been fixed completely!
source pricedekho


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